Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday's Finds.......

The burning bush is only turned red at the top right now but when you stand in the back yard you get an illusion of it being fully in color.

This is the true view of the burning bush.  It has a great yellow background from the river birch leaves. The neighbors wing to the back of the house is on the left and the other neighbor's old fashion garage is on the right. I don't understand why just the top has turned red first but every year the three of my bushes tend to do different things.

 The volunteer vine out the back door has met the challenge of the fall weather.  It got shocked by me pulling it down part way as I removed a window air conditioner.  Now the light changes and temperatures are taking its toll on it.  I will leave it until it gets ugly and then I will remove it from the side of the house.

The morning glories did take a hit last night from the frost.  I had to scrape frost off of the car this morning before going to school. I noticed the one roof on the garden shed was covered with frost when I looked out the window upstairs this morning.

A volunteer maple from the neighbor's tree is putting out quite a show.  I need to cut this out of the flower garden area but I will leave it until spring.

Moving to an indoor subject I caught a shot of the jade plant.   I like these plants that look like trees but these growths do not resemble that at all.  I suppose I could take one of them and put it in a separate pot and try to bonsai it.  I am assuming that is how they do it to sell them commercially.  I suppose there is a variety that does that and this is not that one kind.  I guess I need to do research.

The birch is done with dropping its leaves.  It really didn't take long. I am going to let the leaves dry up and shrivel some before I mow them.  We are suppose to warm up on Monday so maybe I can start working on that.

I am in the shop today subbing for classes like agronomy and horticulture.  There also will be movies for welding and ag mechanics.  It is a shortened day so I will be out by 2:15.  I am glad it is Friday.  I hope all are well and the weather is being good to you.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Burning Bush and River Birch. I like that combination.

  2. Well your Burning Bush will probably turn color fast now! I hope you have a wonderful weekend:)

  3. Love seeing the different colored leaves. Have a good weekend.

  4. I love Burning Bushes , we have one too. It is stunning most years but this year is it is behaving differently. I am thinking it must be the drought we had all summer and into the fall then WHAM ! , it's been flung into soggy wet fall when it should be putting on a show.

    If your jade plant is like the ones I've has ( it looks like them ) it is a baby and as it grows it will develop more of a trunk-like stem and become a tree. They are lovely trees.One dear lady I knew had hers for many years and it was huge, and bloomed !
