Thursday, October 29, 2015

The surviving small zinnias have more buds in which to bloom.  I think the time is running out for them as our wind chills are way before freezing.

I am calling it the hobbit hole in the ground.  The culvert ended up to be a blurry picture.  The leaves probably will cover the hobbit hole shortly. With all the fertilized grass seed and insulation type material I am thinking I won't be raking those leaves out of the ditch because I don't want to move the grass seed around.  On guy on the other side of town said a rain washed all the grass seed to to bottom of the ditch and it has sprouted out very well. It will be hard to get that all reseeded and it will probably take a couple of years to get a good stand of grass.

We were sort of promised a freeze last night and that didn't happen.  I brought all the hardy geraniums inside so the would still be alive when I yank them from the soil in the pots. We didn't have a freeze. I will move them back outside to remove them from the container.  The dirt will spread too easily when I take them out leaving them with bare roots.

Our winds made it very uncomfortable outside yesterday.  I felt so chilled when I was out there that I decided Barney didn't need to walk last night. He voluntarily went out in the back yard and hurried in after doing his business.

I was to be the librarian today but got switched to be a high school social studies teacher.  It is the other position different than yesterday's one. Actually it is 8th grade and freshmen for most of the day. The switch was ok but it made me a lot grumpy for the first few periods.  I am settling in now and doing good.  I hope all are well out there.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Still getting geranium flowers I see. They are pretty hardy plants and hangon nice even when it's chilly.

  2. I've skipped the dog's walk the past day or too as well.
