Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Middle of the Week.....

I am going to have to rebuild my blue door.  It may not get done until this winter but I can put a new one on the hinges once it is made really any season.  Instead of going into a panic about it I decided I could nail one together in the art gallery or in the basement and paint it in the spring. It will not have the arch anymore.

My burning bush seems to be changing slowly this year.  Others I have seen have the entire shrub covered with red leaves.  I have spots of red leaves and then the top only has a layer of red. The birds of all kinds are really enjoying the fruit from them.  I saw a nuthatch yesterday out and about helping itself to the fruit.

The variegated leaf is still a mystery to me on the red maple.  I saw a photo of someone else's red maple and I really am concerned for this tree. Hopefully it will jump back from the root trimming from the "ditch people."

I need to get this craft birdhouse into the shed before it snows.  I bet I can hanging it on the side of my garden shed in the spring and get some bird to nest in it. The materials it is made of will cause it to weather quickly.  I suppose it is suppose to be an indoor decoration.

I have a lot of photos of the William Baffin bloom.  I wonder if I will be able to see any more blooms out of all those buds. If there is a predicted hard freeze I may cut it and bring it into the house.

I am sitting in the high school social studies room today.  It is a shortened day so the day should go fast.  We are cold outside and the wind is picking up.  It isn't summer any more. This is the last apple of the season which is eaten up on the other side by insects.

I hope everyone has a good day and thanks for stopping by to see my posting.


  1. Well it looks like winter is fast approaching. We had so much rain but we did need it bad. Have good and happy day.

  2. No arch on your blue can that be? It is a staple of your is almost an Icon! :)
