Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday's Things.......

The birdbath gives me a great composition of dead leaves and a reflection of a tree also. Everything seems to be so color coordinated.

The weather prediction stories about the wooley worm are too many for me to remember.  I did see one a few days with two colors while this one is all one color.  I remember as a kid how I would picked these guys up and let the crawl all over my arms or legs.  This little guy was strolling along on the side porch while I was out burning the brush pile.

The old silver maple shows that it has lost a lot of leaves already.  It is the last kind of tree that looses its foliage in the fall. 

I don't know what I am going to do with the leaves.  I usually mow them up and probably should do so.  I remember mowing leaves into the middle of November.  I have not had the time to think about it and I have notice most neighbors just are not started yet.  One neighbor who has too much time on her hands is out there mowing every other day.  Her sycamore trees haven't dropped their leaves and when they do she will have a big job ahead of her. I don't want too mild of a winter but I sure hate that we got so cold so quickly.

It took me about 20 minutes to get the complete set of lights out of the tree.  When I look at how tall the tree is now, I bet those old Christmas lights had to have been in the tree ten or more years.  I stood on the second to the last rung on the stepladder to reach and unhook one part of it from a very high branch.

I should had my brush clippers with me as I could or removed it by chopping the wires up into smaller pieces.  Once on top of the ladder I was not going back down and go inside to get clippers.   I got the job done.

It must have been a set of 100 as there were a lot of lights still in that tree. I shows us how long plastic will last in the out of doors and that it doesn't decompose readily. Off to the land fill it all goes to lay underground for many years more.

My river birch still has a lot of its leaves.  The regular birch on the opposite end of the lot is mostly bare. I did get the tree trimmed back in the middle of the summer  so I could walk under the tree without getting hit in the face with hanging branches.

This photo looks better as a guy from across town came and too away two old lawn mowers that were sitting there next to the roto tiller.  I was going to send the mowers away on "city clean up day" but I was under the weather on that day and didn't think about sitting them on the curb.  The guy who took them saw them while walking snooping my alley and asked if he could have them. They left last Friday and  I am glad that they are gone.

The photo with one barberry seed shows that we did finish the fall in a drought.  It usually is covered with berries and it isn't this fall. The leaves are slow to change on the bush this year as I usually get a few shots of the turned leaves of the bush.

A true red zinnia opened up the past week.  The camera picked up its actual true color.  The lighting must have been perfect for it as red just isn't that easy to capture.  My zinnias are still going strong as we have not hit below 32 degrees, freezing.  They will all turn brown quickly when that happens.

I didn't get work again today so I will be outside later today when it sort of warms up.  I never know what I will do when I get out there but progress will be made on something.  We are going to stay cool for a while so I will have to dress with layers and remove them as needed.  I hope everyone has a great day.


  1. I enlarged the size of my font, changed its color, and made the font to be bold. For some reason that has messed me up with the way my spacing works as I have gaps where I don't want them and lettering starting and stopping differently when posted that what I see where I create the blog. I will work on that. Its like I have lost control of what I am seeing when I post it. I will be working on that problem as time goes by......whenever.

  2. These are beautiful photos. The rain is keeping us indoors the last 2 days. The cooler weather has us thinking about soups, stews, etc. This is a lovely zinnia and a great photo.

  3. Looks pretty good to me, I like the bold type. Your Red Zinnia is stunning!! Yes it is cold....might even s---. I have to get out the s---stick tomorrow and find a spot for it.:(
