Friday, October 2, 2015

Zinnia Selfies..........

While out taking photos outside late afternoon the zinnias took over the camera and took a couple of selfies. I told them it seemed to be self centered behavior to me but I guess it is a style.

With the camera being placed way above them so they could all be in the photo ,the orange guy on the left didn't make it into the picture.  It is always difficult to work with the taller ones in the group.

It is a pretty stoic pose by the trowel but it had spent most of the summer on the ground.  I was glad I found it as I sure didn't want to mow into it when I do my fall clearing.

I have been under the weather for the whole week but yesterday I did a few things.  I am trying to keep my lungs out of the cold air. Two containers of oxalysis with blooms are now in the house.  Three containers of aloe are back inside after the were divided and replanted separately in pots.  I also brought in a larger cactus that had been planted in a ironstone container. It spent most of the summer on its side under the grill to keep it from getting flooded out from all the rain.

I did make a trip to the garden shed and found two more major things to throw away.  I can almost see the space under the bench cleared.  I save all my wood scraps from projects to either use in other projects or burn in the fire place.  I have a wheel barrow full of wood I believe will go to the basement for winter emergencies.

A single bloom from the hardy geranium. It is going to be hard to shut down this collection of pelargoniums.  I will try saving the roots this year and just see how it all works. I have heard of the brown bag treatment for years from someone's old aunt or mother in law using the technique each year.   I will have to figure out how to get some brown bags, lunch bags maybe would work. 

I cut the first two sunflower heads yesterday.  They don't appear to be the same variety or they are just at different stages of development.  They were both laying on the ground with broken stems. Our winds were strong and things are coming down quickly. I have not mowed for along time and it isn't going to get done until for while. The town still has not seeded the open dirt areas around our properties.  The west end and north end has been done but the grass right now will have to hurry and root in during cold weather.  It will once it gets seeded. 

I am going in for the art teacher this afternoon for a short assignment to finish off the week.  I was asked to do a potters wheel demo for her ceramics class as she knows that I have history with working with a potter's wheel. It will finish off my week of subbing and sickness.  

No plans are made as of yet for the weekend but staying inside may be the major goal.  I don't think it would hurt to make a visit to a bookstore but the weather will determine that.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today. 

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