Saturday, November 7, 2015

Late Saturday PM.........

Looking out  my side window I can see the end of the fall season.  Those leaves have been mowed up since the photo was shot and another new layer on on the yard again. The oxalis looks like it needs to be repotted and I can not seem to get that spider plant to grow.  Usually it grows like a weed but it sure seems stunted.

One of our two ferel cats is laying out in the sun warming up a bit.  We have two,one is larger and older.  They both are black and white. The smaller one has less white on it and has a white tip on it tail. The older one is not friendly but it will stay a good distance from us as if she isn't afraid.  The younger one disappears as if it is afraid to have us in its sight.

Both cats have an endless supply of dry cat food whenever they come to the side porch.  The possum once in a while comes to have food too.

Hanging out in the tree resting from a busy summer.  The wrens like the house because it is rustic and not over presented.  If I hung it up I suppose they would return to it.

As you visit the stores you can see that we are going to speed by Thanksgiving and go right to the Christmas season.  I had dropped a set of these while putting them away back in December.  I thought I had picked them up completely but looking down to the floor a couple of days ago I found this one small ornament. 

I bought wood for the new gate.  I really should have bought a couple of more pieces of the wood. I do have ways a making due with my eight pieces that I purchased.  I need to go scour the garden shed and see if I have some leftover from another project.  I thought getting the wood purchased, that I can get to doing it whenever the mood moves me.  I like the smell of the wood and I told my wife that I really do like wood.  She smiled and said she really hadn't noticed.  Sarcastic, she was.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a nice weekend! You are ready to begin your garden gate project! You are moving right along:)
