Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunny Leaves.........

In the neighbor's yard are two old sycamore trees.  There are a couple of maples next to them.  The leaf of a sycamore is large compare to any other leaves on the trees around here.   Ten years ago when the tornado hit the southeast part of town there was a large truss from a garage hanging up in that tree.   Another truss lay on the ground on the corner of our lot.  Both had just dropped out of the sky as the tornado destroyed houses, out building and garages. To describe how close the tornado came to us the house with the porch lost two sheds and a farm barn that set behind her house.  She also lost the garage leaving her car covered with ruble.  The tornado came up the street and turned to the east going out into the field behind the row of houses.

 New wood for a new gate leans out in the sun.  I am trying to dry it out a little bit before I use it.  I had to stack it on the patio and put a brick on the pile to keep them from warping.  I see by my schedule that Tuesday will be the day I will be first free to work on the project.  The old gate is top heavy and it always sagged because of its weight.  I will put a lighter weight one on the same area and maybe when it snows I can open and close it.

The little guy is always taking a nap.  I am getting him ready to go to the basement so he can stay warm and sleep peacefully.  I still have a few more things to bring inside.  We were one degree from freezing so the two agapanthus pots must go to the basement today.  Most everything else is in except for those last minute things I find after the first freeze.  There is always a trowel that is stuck in the ground out there that I need to retrieve.

It is to be a cool day all day.  Warming up to almost 60 degree F. is better than freezing but it is just done being warm around here.

I wish everyone to have a good Sunday day of rest.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You still have a lot more leaves than are left here.

  2. Those Sycamore have lots of leaves...I bet they fall just like rain...hopefully not blowing your way:)
