Saturday, November 21, 2015

White with White on the Side......

My official "look out" window shows the change in our season overnight.  It started snowing in the afternoon and then stopped in the evening.  The total of 6 inches seems fair and we will get more later in the next few days.  The ground is adjusting as it is still wet and muddy under that snow.  I guess that if it keeps dipping down to 10 degrees F. at night the ground will freeze.

Barney had to have a bite of snow right away when he was let outside.  He likes it but isn't really used to it yet.

I shoveled paths for the guys, especially for Button as he doesn't like deep snow.  I was scooping out ever hour for a while to make it work for Button yesterday evening. I was glad that it then stopped. I could clear him a path and it sort of stayed clear.  A slight wind was blowing that keep things on the surface moving around.

The neighbors three in a row trees always looks like a miniature forest when they get snow on their branches.  The are planted too close to each other so they grow so slowly.  They are short but if I get close enough shot it looks like a forest.

I can hear neighbors pushing snow out of driveways right now as I write this.  The guy has a tractor and scoop and really has fun pushing snow. He usually hits our driveway when he finishes just because.

The Japanese Yew Pine always gives me a great shot of the snow fall.  Those who follow me regularly know this shrub and have named it by now.  It actually can be a snow measuring gauge as a larger snowfall puts the branches on the ground from the weight of the snow.

What was green on Thursday will not stay that way for very long now.  The field lilies had sent up new leaves with all the rain so it was looking like this.  The cold but not freezing temperatures had it flattening and now we will see what it looks like after a hard freeze and snow.

Not much planned for today.  It is a good day to hunker down inside.  Outside work other than snow removal will be limited.  I hope everyone is well out there.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Omigosh, lookit that! Dry and light or wet and heavy? There is some snow near Lake Erie and some forecast for the snow belt, but probably just a dusting here in Canton. Sure is pretty there on your trees, Larry. Um, you can keep my share.... LOL

  2. Hello, Hope you both stay safe and warm today. The trees and bushes look like a Christmas card with the snow. Give the dogs a hug from us. I'm having computer problems, so I will wish you both a blessed Thanksgiving now in case I can't get on the computer later.

  3. You sure did get the snow right on time, winter wonderland at your house.
    We are to get more rain out of that front with a very cold Sunday but no snow. YET!

  4. WOW ! Where did THAT come from ! ? !

    We're just raining, and expecting the temps to reach down into the 20's.

    Your weather DOES make for beautiful photography, doesn't it ?

    Praise God for WARM HOMES on a wintry day !

  5. Wow you need a snow stick. I heard this morning that some places in Iowa got over a foot of snow and I was hoping it wasn't you. Six inches is doable but it might stay awhile:)

  6. Larry, I was watching the news last night and seeing reports of this snowfall hitting the midwest hard. Glad to know you are safely at home and you are right about it being good to hunker down. Don't overdo the shoveling.
