Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Morning Blues.......

Sunday was a day for warming up and the sun setting in the west was wonderful.  I went upstairs and took the shot out of our bathroom window.

The sky was so striking as we drove into town.  I need to quit being lazy and go take the car to the west end of town to get the full view.  One of my former students who lives in the covered bridges area of Madison County posted a wonderful shot of it.  Thou shall not steal.

  This is the reason that I am extending the width of the porch roof.  All this moisture is coming down a valley and it is landing in this one spot.  I am hoping when I have it built wider that the water will channel down and away from this area.  I would take a shot of the before area but it is so sad to see I will just talk about until it is gone.

It is so nice to have the cardinals feeding and even the sparrows.  Juncos are out there too as well of some woodpeckers at the suet.

Evidence of the junco is here in this photo.  They haven't been here too long but it is nice to have them here competing with the sparrows. The weather warmed up some yesterday and out in the burning bushes were a pair of cardinals. They have this neat call like a cheet or chit that they call while picking berries.  I don't know if it is a territorial call or just a fun call as they are so happy to find red berries.  I have heard the call many times but don't always see them. On pair is better than no cardinals but I hope another pair comes by too.  Maybe a bigger snow storm will bring in more.

Another Barney shot enjoying the snow.  I let him out yesterday afternoon and he loved rolling in the loose snow.  He doesn't quite like being outside alone the older he gets but if there is enough activity he will keep busy and not notice he is out there and I am inside.  The cold seems to bother him a little but he loves to lay on the top of the steps and watch people and cats go by.

I am a middle school secretary today.  I find it to be a busy little place of activity with deliveries and lost kids or those skipping from class.  Two days before school is out for Thanksgiving break.  I can see kids are anxious for the two days to be done. I am ready to be done for a few days too.

This was taken a few days ago in the day time.  Now it is a full moon showing up in the evening.  I don't know the moon's cycles but I seem to see it is not a regular one or consistent anyway to the earths turning. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those are some big ice sickles!

  2. Good Afternoon, These are pretty pictures. I love the Cardinals this time of the year; they really show up against the bare branches. I guess everyone is anxious to get to the holiday. Hope you have a nice day.

  3. p.s. I forgot to say how nice Barney looks. He likes to sit up on that step and patrol those cats!!!
