Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Stuff........

We don't sit in these.  In fact we haven't set in them for years.   I almost took them to the garbage men this past summer and then I had a change of heart. They are my lawn sculptures.

Snow capped mountain would be nice but we only have snow capped structures.  The feeder needs to be repaired and then set up.  The birdhouse will be headed to the basement once the snow melts off of its roof.

My pet turtle ornament has snow on his nose.  He too will hit the basement the next time it melts.  It sounds like we will be warming up and a lot of these will go away.

I found the brass bells in the basement and made some repairs to the strings.  I just hung them and now they too have snow peaks.

I never expected this to happen but I am a wild bird photographer again.  The eurasian ring neck doves were out and also one blue jay hit the feeder today.

It is Sunday and we will be out for a while.  It will be nice to get home out of this weather and settle in for the evening. Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Birding in the snow came fast, for you this year.
    I will miss feeding the birds. We can't have bird baths here or feeders.
    They have one large birdbath in a little sitting garden out side the in door pool, but no feeders.
    Happy Sunday!

  2. Larry,

    I'm always so glad when you drop in at LAWN TEA! We're up and going in the kitchen, and Chris just finished slicing a GORGEOUS ham that he'd put on the grill last night. Our kiddos will finally roll in about suppertime, and we're having a big pot of snap beans, and a potato dish, along with all kinds of breads and mustards and spreads for the sandwiches.

    I love your snow pictures---ours was WET, cold, gooshy, like enormous cornflakes drifting down so you could hardly see. It covered the car several inches just while we were in the grocery store, but was gone off the ground while it was still daylight.

    Stay WARM, faraway friend.


  3. Pretty snow photos. Hope you had a nice weekend.

  4. A Cardinal too!! I am so jealous! You have way more snow than us...congrats! :)

  5. Gorgeous snow and Cardinal. It was mid 20's here this a.m. early. The sun is shining and it is tolerable out this afternoon.
