Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The wild phlox and the allium seem to show off at about the same time. My new porch addition didn't cover up where I had the  phlox growing and that is a good thing. I can see that under the porch that I could dig up the daffodils and move them.  I didn't have a single daffodil bloom this spring in my gardens this year.  It was good that I had the school's daffodils to photograph and share.

The small tiny flowers in the middle of the larger white flowers have still not opened.  Each day the viburnum looks more striking. I was looking at the bush and thought most people would consider that shrub is taking up too much room in the garden.  Another land owner probably would have chopped it down by now. I like it as a focal point in that area of the garden. I trim it back regularly in the fall.

If I were to try to get these violets to bloom in a row I am sure it wouldn't be possible. I have taken a lot of shots of the wild violets but this growth was calling out for me to capture it with the camera.

The peonies don't bloom regularly each year calendar wise but normally they bloom around Memorial Day. They were always opened in southern Iowa where I lived as a kid because many people would bring fruit jars filled with peonies and purple iris to the cemetery. We live a little further north than there and our temperatures fluctuate more. The peonies can be done before Memorial Day or they can wait and bloom a couple weeks afterward.

I am off work today as we have business to take care of in the big town.  I will take my wife out for her Mother's day meal today.  She was too ill with a bad cold to enjoy eating out on Sunday.

 It feels good to have a day off but the school machine keeps calling me to fill vacancies for the day.  I have had now five different calls from the substitute machine offering me work.  Even if I were working today I know that they still won't be able to fill all those who are absent today.  People who were laid off for next year as associates are taking their personal days, getting them used up.  Other teacher staff are taking their personal days as they didn't do so earlier.  I am sure all those people who normally compete with me for jobs are all with jobs today.

I have a few chores I want to get done today.  I have already spread grass seed on the corner of our new ditch area so the rains can get it started.  I don't know why the city has not seeded the whole ditch but I leveled off the corner at the intersection with my hoe and rake. It will look better with grass growing on it. I need to start getting an area ready for my tomatoes to have a place to grow.  If it isn't raining this afternoon I will work on that.  I also will get some rest in during the day too.  I think I have the day booked now, I guess I should get started. Thank you for stopping by the posting today.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.


  1. To me the Allium is a show stopper. All of Your flowers are looking great!

  2. Your Viburnum is beautiful! I hope you enjoyed your Day off! :)

  3. The viburnum is stunning. Really like the alliums too. Hope you had a good trip to "the big town."

  4. You have made me homesick for our viburnum from another home. It was always a beautiful spring plant.
