Friday, February 3, 2017


Early morning today I caught a small sunrise shot.  The sun is actually to the right of this glow. I took the shot in the front yard as I was taking out garbage. It is a different point of view compared to the back yard.

The backyard view shows the clouds behind the trees. We are 16 degrees F. this morning.  A warm up to 40 degrees F.  will be welcomed.

We were given new photos of the boys last Sunday.  They both have really grown up quickly. The older brother has become close to his little brother and takes an interest in his well being. After Teddy had been baptized and brought back to  the pew, AJ went over and looked up at him to check on him. It was noticeable that he had hoped that they hadn't harmed him in any way.

We are taking a day off from working on the house today.  Supplies are needed for the next steps and it will probably end up being two trips in two days.  I think it is time for us to go to a bookstore and clear the dust out of our brains.  It is too cold to be out but we have a warm car to travel in and we will be good. Even though it is cold the sun is shining brightly.  That is a good thing.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope everyone is doing well where ever you are in this world.


  1. It is very cold here past two days, not like us to stay this
    cold so long.
    I is amusing how fast time goes by. The boy's are growing up fast.
    Have a fun day!

  2. Nice of AJ to take good care of his brother! You need a day off from packing! :)

  3. I read your comment about your upcoming move, getting ready to sell your home, and all you need to do... I am exhausted reading it , especially because it sounds so much like our last year, beginning right after Christmas 2016. The move WAS exhausting, but we're not getting any younger and a few years from now , moving and re-settling would probably be out of the question. Good for you taking a break to do something fun though, you need it !

    Your weather sounds like ours. Below 20 degrees and we got 4 more inches of snow today on top of the previous 18 inches. Nice to stay indoors and read gardening books and catalogs.

    Your grandsons are ssoooooooooo cute !
