Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday's Finds.......

I brought back from up north these three Avon bottles.  When I was a kid in my teens, my mom would buy them as gifts for me.  The company promoted them as collectible items and my mom bought into that pretty much. I have tossed three of them already and I think I will say goodbye to the cars.  I like the stagecoach.  If I keep one for memories, that seems reasonable.

It didn't photograph well here but it is one of my favorites.  I think the label said it had an after shave cologne in it. I haven't been brave enough to smell it as it probably is fifty years old or more.

I also had a duck head on a glass duck bottle shape and a clock.  The pump shaped bottle had a shoe spoon for the handle of the pump. The capital of the U.S. had a plastic dome that covered the lid of the capital building in glass.

I did look them up on eBay and found most of them selling for 5 bucks apiece.  I think that it is about the same price that was the original price.  My parents' friend bought them for her husband and kept all of them in their boxes unopened. I suppose some people will pay a lot of that packaged item. Like I said, the stage coach will look good on one of my junk shelves and the rest of them will not.

The lid is the spare tire of this car.  I had a plastic top on this but I may have tossed it while I was rummaging though my past things.

. This old man is showing you a picture of a table.  I know he is going crazy.  It was a great accomplishment to figure out how to  dismantle the legs.  I could barely get the top in the back seat of the car. I did get it moved down to the house.  I had brought one chair at a time down by placing one patio chair in the back seat each time I worked and made the trip. It is a sunny day again today and will warm up by this afternoon.

I am working here at the new house today.  I have three rosebushes in the front of the house.  Only one of them wintered through and the other two are coming up from the base.  I don't know what kind of bush they are but they may be knock out roses. It will be a lot of cutting back on them as the roses are large.  I was hoping the dead look was just dormancy but I know now that most of it has to go.  They sit in a rock garden and at this point two of them could be replaced.  I haven't lived here long enough to know what I would want to replace the with that would survive the winters.

I hope everyone's weather has improved some and that spring is good for each of you.  Our spring is slow compared to some of my blogger friends.  Compared to others in the northlands we look like the deep south in development.  I hope all are fine and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I remember some of the Avon bottles.
    I know you will be glad when warmer weather comes
    so (we) can see all the good things that will be springing
    up.You never tell us what books you buy, all ways looking
    for a good read. Our sun is shining but the wind is about to blow
    us away.

  2. Hi Larry, I remember these Avon collectibles. You two will enjoy the table/chairs on the patio. John and I thought of you today. We went to a home improvement store for closet organizer. We decided to stop in at the garden center. They had a HUGE selection of plants for $1 to $3 - we bought pampas grass, zebra grass, Lantana, perennial sage, Ajuga groundcover....we were like kids in a candy shop and I know you like to find bargain plants too. It is raining lightly today but we had fun.
    We did not have good luck with Knockout roses at our last house so we did not add any here.
    Hope you enjoy the weekend.

  3. I recall those After Shave fancy Avon bottle too, I think some are more collectable than others! It sounds like you are getting settled:)

  4. Hi Larry! I remember those Avon cologne! They are a collectors item for sure!
    And do you realize that your table photo is a great design from shadows photo?! : )

    Good evening to you!

    Debby aka: Vivian

  5. A lot of folks apparently bought into the thinking that the old Avon bottles would one day be collectibles, sadly that is not the case. It's sort of like when Beanie Babies were collectible craze and now can be bought at thrift stores quite cheaply.
