Sunday, May 7, 2017

Bloom and Grow.........

The angel gets placed without thought as I just put it down when we moved things into the backyard. Maybe I can give him a better place to be but for now he seems to be watching the vine grow.

The red twig dogwood is thriving with all of its bright leaves and red stems. It is a perfect shrub to have in front of the aging fence.

This is another unknown plant for me. I didn't expo;ct to see it put out blooms.  It has wintered through and is doing well next to the deck's stairs.

I will be planting tulips with color this fall.  I really like the white tulips but I think of tulips being in red and yellow colors too.

It is Sunday and the day will warm up nicely.  It is a good day to rest and get ready for another busy week.


  1. The unknown plant is Lamium. We "inherited" some at the house we shared with mother years ago. Ours was a yellow blooming variety.

  2. It was lovely to have you visit LAWN TEA this week! I'm always glad to hear from you, and so enjoy dropping in to see your ongoing garden and latest project.

    Thank you for the sweet comment---there's WAY lots more to tell, but I just haven't been up to it. Much better, and will soon be back to my old tale-telling and goings-on.


  3. I love your mystery plant!

    Have a great week with your lovely wife, enjoying spring and settling into your new home.


  4. All your plants are thriving compared to mine. Our leaves will be out in a few days.

  5. Lamium maybe the one called Pink Nancy! perfect for a shady spot:)
