Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday Stuff......

The fern leaf peony is blooming right now.  It is still sitting in the bucket that I placed it in after digging it.  I will plant it in the new yard once it has finished blooming. I have a lot of plantings of this at the old place and will probably bring one more to the new place.  I can plant it in two different location to see which place will be the best location for it.

My clay drain tile has moved to the big city.  I had trouble moving it as all the soil fell out of the bottom of it.  I put most of it back into the bottom and wrapped a plastic bag under it.  I probably will need to add loose soil at the top once in a while to get it really filled up full again. The sedum is one that we had when I lived on the farm as a kid. I was glad to find it for sale at the nursery.

I spent some time outside working on the front yard landscaped planter.  The roses, which I think are knock out roses, were frosted off from the winter.  I removed most all of last years growth and the plants are shooting out new growth.

One of the roses seems dead enough that I might remove it and put in a more substantial shrub for the  foundation planting. We are discussing what it might be but we both don't want something that will require a lot of pruning each spring. I will replant the remaining rose that has little live some where  else. It is still a free plant if it is still alive.

The larger bush has buds on it and I am betting that I will have blooms by the end of next week. It will be interesting to see what color that they are.

This is the patio area under our deck.  The chairs have new cushions and I will get those tags off soon. We had a long story created in buying the cushions.  To shorten the story, we bought three of them at one store and then drove eight miles or more to another store to buy one more.  The old guy at the first store, probably my age, kept thanking me for not making him climb a tall ladder to dig through poorly marked boxes. I didn't want to climb up there and I didn't think he should either. The patio area may prove to be a nice area in the hot summer.  The deck above will probably be too hot as it will be in full sun all day.

A project that I am anxious to work on is this corner rock garden.  I know that the rocks are low maintenance but this looks like something you would  see in Arizona or at least at the malls here in Iowa. I suspect I will have to sink pots into the rock and fill them with soil.  A hosta garden would be nice here and I will move the rock around for a better look.  I already moved it as it was sitting vertically like the stones at Stonehenge.  I think covering the sight of the gas meter  could be done.

Well, there are lots of things to do today.  We continue to put things together as a part of our moving in to the house.  We made decisions on the spacing of the bookshelf in the living room today.  Everything still hinges on the flooring going down in the office area. Once that is down we can sort books between two areas and start using the desk.  Things still are in boxes.

I hope everyone is having good weather today and wish you a great weekend. Thanks for checking in on me.


  1. The peony is large and gorgeous. I like how you captured the red edges of the rose leaves. and i love the pretty new cushions. You cannot go wrong with blue stripes.

  2. It is nice reading about your new place and seeing all of the new growth happening. I think you will make a garden bed of beauty with that rock bed. The big rock is really nice, but the gravel is not very pretty at all. :-)

    Your could put a ceiling fan out where your chairs are, which would stir the air while you sit out there in the summer. Nice that you have a bit of shade.

    Have a nice Sunday and a great upcoming week ~ FlowerLady

  3. Hosta would be very nice in the corner garden bed. I like that you can sit in the shade under the deck. Those are nice cushions that you purchased. It is great fun to see pics of your new home. You guys seem very happy. Enjoy your day.

  4. Lots of red in that foliage of the rose, I bet they are red:)
