Monday, May 15, 2017


A blurry impression of what I could see. The neighbor's iris are blooming and the rabbit is resting. My camera just could not reach that far to pick up those wonderful flowers. I am jealous of the iris as I have only meager starts of plantings in my yard.

Barney took me outside to see this wonderful sky view.  The colors were changing quickly as the light clouds reflected the light.

New plates intended for patio use are decorated wonderfully were a gift to my wife yesterday. The graphic design is so great with eh flowers and butterflies. An added hummingbird is perfect to the plate's design.

Two sizes of plates and a couple of bowls will be fun to use as we eat out on the deck.

I am staying home today from working at the old house, as we will be doing hospital visits throughout the day for my wife's cousin.  She is on her fourth day of intensive care from two surgeries. We are the only family here in Iowa so we will do what we can do. We have a back road, street, that gets us to the hospital in 9 miles. We are choosing to make trips instead of staying the whole day.

Our day seems to be looking really good but a warm morning means we will have a very hot afternoon.  I wish everyone to have a great day. Thanks for stopping by today.

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