Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday's Tidbits.....

It isn't a fall photo but one of the sunshine showing through base leaves of the maple tree. Most of them are a dark reddish color but these that sprout out from the bottom of the tree trunk are leaves of a different color.

I have never owned one of these vines before now.  I am not knowing the name but it has flower buds that seem familiar.  It is growing on the southeast side of the house in clay soil. The leaves with white lines dividing them into four parts makes it an unusual leaf.

I am assuming that this is a knock out rose.  This is the first bloom of the three sets of rose bushes.  I am debating the digging of the one bush and moving it to another location. It had died down from the winter weather and it would make it easier to dig and move as a small shrub.

We want to hit a nursery soon to look for new flowers and maybe a different shrub.  I did see a Japanese maple at the Wally mart but I want to think about that before I buy it.  In time they can get to be larger that what a typical shrub grows so you can't place it up close to a house.

The planting of the hosta plants really does make all those rocks look better. Most of them really like their new location.  I dug rocks out and put in black dirt before planting them. I have had to water them to keep them going and with our really high temps I will continue to do so.

We are still making trips to the downtown area to the hospital where my wife's cousin was admitted.  We make trips down and space the visits during the day.  She is in ICCU and doesn't know that we have visited. Either way, we are the only family that is in the state that can visit so we will be going back today. Her kids are on the west coast and her husband is unable to visit. We went one evening the first day she was there and decided it was not necessary to be out at night in the downtown area. When they are in intensive care they are getting 24 hours of care for the best that they can give.

I will sneak up to pick up the mail at the old home and see if everything is good.  I know that the yard is probably needing some work but will put that off for a couple of days. The Woodward area received large rains last week which will make the yard grow faster than the one at our newer home.

I hope all is well with you and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The blooms look like red honeysuckle on the vine.
    Love a red Maple, not many around here.

  2. Honeysuckle Trumpet Vine!! The Hummingbirds will love it! :)
