Friday, June 23, 2017

Summer Blooms........

I have one set of coneflowers blooming right now. This one had been in the front flower garden and I dug it up and moved it to the back of the house.  The root structure of the plant held together well so it did't effect it at all as it was in midbloom when I dug it. I have white ones blooming in the front yard now too.

The now moved ceramic tile is up and going again.  I had lain it on it side to put in the car and the dirt on the bottom fell out.  I had to replace the soil at the bottom and reset the sedum at the top. This is year two for this plant and it likes where I placed it in the backyard. I sprinkled fresh dirt on the top of it early on and I think I may need to do it again incase there are spaces in it at the bottom causing gaps and collapse.

My one neighbor Judy has large, tall tomato plants as she planted her tomatoes a month earlier than me.  She said that they bloomed and stood still in growth for a while during the drought time.  My short plants have two out of six now with blooms. The buds here look gray in the photo and blurry. We got almost an inch of rain last night again so they will be happy plants.

When I brought this piece home with me in 2009, I took everything apart. The mirror and bracket come off with a simple screwdriver. The bottom set of drawers sat in our art gallery the rest of the time alone while the other two parts were in storage.

My mom bought the piece for six dollars at an auction and it had been my piece on the farm. I had stripped the dark varnish off of it when I was 16 years old.

Moving the three parts to the new place was successful but two brace pieces of wood were not found by me.

It was an "old man" moment as I made two new plywood strips and assembled the vanity in the guest bedroom as seen above.  Here in this photo I found the oak braces, in the one drawer. We must have used the drawers placing things on top of them.  When we emptied the drawers they must have been in the back.  When the "2 men and a truck" moved it, they wrapped it in plastic and never removed the drawers.

So yesterday afternoon, I removed my plywood pieces and restored the original parts of the piece to support the weight of the mirror and bracket.

So after all of that assembling, removing the plywood ones and restoring, I emptied out the box sitting next to the dresser. It was like an explosion of colored glass vases as I emptied the box.  We really don't know where they are going to be displayed. We have a lot less places to put things than we had in the old house of many rooms and built-in buffet.

I had a close up view of the pulls and lock covers, all made in brass, but the shot was blurry. The pulls were made with a sturdy design so all of them are there and all the keyhole covers are there too.

My hardy geranium of old looks just like this new one.  I guess I can't stop buying them.  I placed the geraniums among the tomatoes, herbs and marigolds.  I didn't have to water anything this morning.

Thanks for stopping by this Friday. I wish everyone to have a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely dresser and mirror and all that beautiful glass on pretty! :)
