Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday's Here Already....

The haze from the forest fire smoke was prevalent yesterday.  It smelled like smoke and the true picture of the sun here was of a completely reddish sun like the glow that you see in the photo. My camera would not pick it up. A blogger friend in Tennessee also experienced it, so it was wide spread.  I am frustrated with our news suppliers as we were not hearing about any forest fires in Canada. There wasn't a hint that Montana was having a forest fire either until this morning.  Yesterday they did cover the fires in California,  Washington, and Oregon. The smoke we had was from Canada.

It caused this kind of sights in the sky all day.  This would have been a great photo but I was too late. I had just stepped out on the deck, looked up, and the sun went behind lower clouds. This morning we are now completely clear, as the wind has changed direction. We were cold this morning but it will warm up today.

A neighbor two doors up, has had workmen at their house the past two weeks.  They have been reworking their back yard and creating garden areas, all around the side and the back of the house.  Either they had a large deck installed on the back of their house or they painted the existing one so we can see it from our dec.k  They added a new tree in the back of the house and the front of the house. This colorful maple in the back will be one that we can enjoy.  I like that they could afford larger trees so there won't be a long wait for them to enjoy them. We have two spaces that could use a tree but I think we will wait on that.  It makes sense that the sooner we do it the better but we have too much going on to make those decisions right now.

I ventured out last evening to take some photos and ran into another friendly neighbor walking by.  I am not new to living with people around but the area is a closer one. Everyone seems to be so friendly and grateful that we can talk to each other without reservation. Even if it is just about the weather. it makes you feel like a close neighborhood.  Kids go by on bikes with parents and wagons are pulled by dad with younger kids.  Dogs with their owners are always walking by and Barney gets to bark at them for his fun.

I took this shot to show how the front landscaping seems to be shaping up to a better look. I decided to put my second pot of agapanthus (which have never bloomed) right behind the front one to make it look like a shrub in a pot. They sit under the flag in this photo.

The roses are doing their last rebound before cold weather sets in. I am assuming I will have to cut this back this fall.

The second planting of these petunias are now taking off to make a color statement.  I didn't think they were ever going to take off for me. I have planted an aster in the front row of the planter now and removed some sprawled out, tall,  natural looking flowers.  I may sneak in some more tulip bulbs during the next month.

I almost forgot to store my new months photos into a new file. I have a couple of days photos stuck in August but now I have straightened out the system.  Where did the summer go? I know we will have a lot of nice weather for a month or so but it seems over after Labor Day.  We have the school bus stopping by to pick up the neighbor kids and we see less kids in the stores now on the week days.  I will have leaves to rake and gardens to clear but that will come in October for me. I have neighbors that will have everything tied down and done weeks before I do but I am good with that.

I have no specific plans for today. I didn't get yesterday to be a free day so I am taking one today.  I hope everyone is well.  I wish you to have a good day.  Thanks for checking in on my spot.

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