Thursday, September 21, 2017


The New Guiena impatient plant struggled with our summer weather.  It just didn't stay blooming like some years.  It is now blooming again after a hot spell. Maybe I may have to bring it inside the sliding glass door to give it some air conditioned air. My parents always had one hanging planter of New Guiena plants every summer. I think the market has weakened on them as you don't see them for sale in most places.  It is a sensitive grower and busy people today probably don't have time to work with the plant. My parents usually had one with a solid color bloom.

This area next to the bottom of the stairs is a new garden.  Three out of four of these will come up next spring.  The hardy geranium was growing among the tomatoes and was lost in the jungle.  So I moved it out and it just now is starting to bloom again. The day lily and the hosta plants should blend in together as they mature.

This rose was such a sick looking thing when I bought it but its one bloom made me buy it.  It now has ten or more blooms on it. If it is hardy like the label says, it should be a good addition to the backyard. At this time I have only red roses.  I may dig one more rose from the old place that has small pink blooms.

Having not finished my first full  growing season on this property makes it fun to plan for the future of the gardens.  I still have to plant my daffodil bulbs and tulip bulbs.  I am not sure where I can plant them unless I clear a new plot.

My sedum at the old place is blooming right now.  This start of it has regrown since being eaten by rabbits.  It was protected by the vines.  Now that the vines are cleared away I can see it is doing well.  It may get moved now that I have time to decide where I want it to be.

I still want to get some starts of peonies from my wife's parents place and my grandmothers red peony.  There are commercially purchase peonies here at the new place but the varieties are just not as nice as the old fashioned peony plant.

We are having tropical weather right now.  It is hot and very humid. Friday is suppose to be one of our hottest days. The clouds are plentiful and some formations are unusual. These kind of clouds last evening had broken up into patches making an unusual pattern.

I saw a bluejay this morning headed for my neighbors pine tree.  I have not seen them all summer.  I will start feeding the birds in October and will maybe see the cardinals and bluejays again.  I saw a cardinal at the old place the other day but there have not been any around here all summer.  With all the trees surround our neighborhood there should be some out there to eat at my feeder again. We have migrating birds coming through on our lake right now. I can't see them when I cross the bridge but they are too far up the way for pictures.  There is a swampy area north of the bridge and there is no road to that area.  I did see swans one morning at a closer distance and we have seen pelicans flying over us a couple of times. I am surprised that the locals with boats are not taking photos.

It is Thursday and I have a few things that can be done.  I nay not do all of them but I do have lots of choice. In many ways we still are moving in, but things are so much better. Thank you for stopping by today.   Everyone take care.

1 comment:

  1. It will be very special to get starts of the old fashioned peonies to grow at your new home. I miss having sedums here. We do not see a variety of birds here, which is surprising. Hummers have been plentiful in our front flowerbeds this summer and we see a lot of crows and squirrels. I will look forward to your bird photography this fall and winter.
    We got a head start on putting away yard decor and porch furniture when Hurricane Irma came through. We decided to just leave everything in the basement until next spring. We do have some light weight cheap plastic chairs that we can sit on the porch in.
