Sunday, September 24, 2017

It's Sunday.....

The last smaller stem now has a flower.  I had to photograph it while it swung back and forth in the breeze. It was turned in such an angle that I couldn't ever take a straight right on photo of it.

The birds are watching and waiting. I have been seeing some in the leaves picking off insects.

The sun is always on my left so I seem to only have shots from the one side of these guys. I am not looking forward to cutting them down in the fall as it takes a saw to cut through those stems.

The Sac Air Force Base continues to send their jets out on maneuvers over central Iowa. The sun reflected on this one air stream as it was coming up on the horizon. I could see evidence of three different jets up there making their marks in the sky.  I wonder how long it takes them to travel from the Omaha area over to us.  It usually is seven in the morning when I open up the curtains of the sliding glass door. As I walk out with the sky clear, they are up there.

Have a great Sunday today.  I appreciate your stops to see and to read my post. Thanks......


  1. Sunflowers are very attractive but they are hard to knock down . Yes, you need a saw.

  2. Nice sunflower photos. Hope all is good. Been too hot here lately, but cooler today. Glad for clouds in our area.

  3. Those planes cruise about 600 they probably left as you were getting up! Too bad they don't write messages in the sky:)
    Far Guy says" 584 mph is a cruising speed" :0 Love seeing the sunflowers:)

  4. I have enjoyed your pretty sunflowers. We rarely see/hear planes in our area. I have returned to blogging after a long break. Hope you can stop by.

  5. Lovely photos, Larry. I hope to have some sunflowers next year...they are so cheerful and such good foo for the birds!
