Saturday, September 23, 2017

Saturday's Stuff......

The painted lady butterflies are plentiful this year. I see a stray monarch once in a while but the paints are swarming on the zinnias most of the day.

I went out after supper and watered the zinnias as they were showing the weathering of drought. I also picked some to bring in so we could see them more closely.  I am hoping the watering will revive them a little bit so they will last longer.

I trimmed back branches this morning out there on the corner tree.  I am still thinking it is just a giant pussy willow bush that just kept on growing after 13 years. There are a lot of sucker branches on it and I should have trimmed them back a month ago when they were smaller. I put all my branches and asparagus branches into the truck. On Monday I can dump them at the city burn site at the old house.

A temporary solution to the clutter on the downstair patio is to use this distressed shelf. The pots all sat around and for now they can look a little decorative while being stored on the   patio. The shelf came from an old barn which does not stand anymore.  It was torn down earlier this spring. My wife's family farm is completely cleared now with the future of strip malls being placed on the land.

This windowbox second planting of morning glory seeds seem to be finally blooming. The plan was to have them growing and fill up the whole side of the decks railing. That didn't happen, as the first planing never germinated.  These seeds were  put in a month ago and they were from the old place last years blooms.

I saw the one bud yesterday getting itself ready to bloom but I was surprise to see that there were three buds that bloomed this morning.  First time blooming in late September. My viewers are  now stuck seeing two different color of morning glories until the first freeze.

While out with Barney this noon, I started removing some of the coneflowers that are dead.  I do see there is a little seed coming off of them so I guess I should leave them for awhile longer for the goldfinch birds. The aster is putting out more blooms but it really is suffering in our dry weather.  I am watering it now every few days to help make it last longer.

Our son took this photo of the goats on the roof of a building in Door County, Wisconsin.  It is a sod roof and the goats always like to be on the highest possible height. There is a tourist store below here that is open almost 12 hours a day.

It is Saturday and we are having a stay at home day.  My wife is suffering with a summer, now fall, cold.  She is better but really needs more time to get over it. It is too hot to work outside so it is a good day to do pick up projects. We still are sort of settling in from our move and I moved some more furniture to rearrange the downstairs bedroom. Pictures still need to be hung but that will come later. I wish everyone to have a great weekend.  Thanks for checking up on my posting today.


  1. Both of your Morning Glories are so very pretty! I am seeing Painted Ladies this year too and so many of them, they like the Thistle that is blooming along the roadsides and my Sedum:)

  2. A very nice series of photo's Larry. I love your approach and your style!!

    Greetings from the Netherlands!
    Gert Jan
