Friday, September 22, 2017


The sun is starting to sleep in more as the earth tilts back for our winter season. It is noticeable when you go out on the deck at about the same time in the morning. The sun is behind the big tree in the middle but it will keep on moving right in the photo as the days keep happening.

The honeysuckle vine is blooming again.  I am not familiar with  the shrub so seeing it bloom and rebloom is  a bonus. The red to orange color with the fan shaped sets of flowers makes it an interesting to see.

Hiding in the marigolds helps the pear tomatoes from being found.  The variety really has been a fun one to have.  The are really sweet and also fun to give away to friends.

Our son and daughter-in-law took a trip north of their Chicago area home to visit Door County in Wisconsin.  I will share some of their photos to show how the boys have grown.

Father is teaching son how to fish.  Our son really likes to fish in Minnesota.  I see A.J. has his own rod and reel now.

Little brother, Teddy, sure loves his big brother.  The photo definitely shows the age difference of three years and that they both have really grown.

I took a trip up to to the old place this morning, delivering supplies for some work that I need to do.  I didn't stay that long as it is too hot to work outside.  I needed to get the truck emptied out so I wouldn't be carrying things around that will move around while I drive. It is Friday and I am needing to water things soon in flower pots. A day like today will dry things out a lot. The swampy area around our lake are all dried up.  The pelicans are still on the lake but I don't have pictures to share.

Thanks for checking in on my post today.  Have a great day.


  1. Wow, Teddy and AJ have grown so much. Thank you for sharing the new pictures with us. Those little tomatoes look delicious!

  2. The boys are growing! What a good photo of them sitting together! Uffda we were hot yesterday but it is much cooler today :)
