Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Warm Humid Day.......

A low light shot gives me some blur. The moon is almost full again.  It does look like a fall sky with color of blue  last evening. The yards are so lush and green again and it is good to go into the fall with some sub moisture to support plants in the winter.

The morning glory was having a hard time getting a bloom to open yesterday.  You can see the leaves of the vine are turning red which leads me to believe that it isn't going to not stay alive much longer.   This morning, I do have three strong blooms due to the warm humid night last night.

To have a little more variety on my blog, I shot this photo.  My dad's old torch from the farm kept being moved from place to place.  I moved it from his town garage to my place about 15 years ago.  I remember watching my dad using this to solder something with the flame flaring out of it. We were back in the old machine shed and he had a metal tool with a corncob handle, heating up that rod.  I can still hear it's pumping sound as he built up the pressure on the tank. I have yet to clean it up but now that it is in a newer place again, in my garage, maybe I can get that brass shining again. The wooden handle is is great shape considering that my dad started farming in 1951. I am sure he picked this up at a hardware store back then.

It is a two cups of coffee morning here with a dreary sky.  It is warm outside already and I am jumping into the truck soon to head to work.

This old Art Deco cup is not functional as it is glued to gather from being dropped sometime in its life.  I think it came from an old auction box.

It is a shorter blog for me today. I hope everyone is well today. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoyed the photo of your dad's old torch. That red handle is in good shape - reminds me of the rolling pin handles on mama's rolling pin from 1947. Don't work too hard today.

  2. Maybe the Morning Glory will return tomorrow :)
    My granddad had a torch like your dad's I remember him using it to remove old paint off the door before he repainted. I doubt if they even bother doing that step nowadays !

  3. Every day is a two coffee morning here!

  4. Today was only a one cup day.
    We had some wild morning glory's
    last year ,guess the gardener saw
    them and away they went.
    Want be long he will be pulling
    up the summer flowers and planting
    fall plants.
