Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Rescue Work......

While I was out to the old place, I go to a location where there are sewer lagoons.  They have a place for people to dump their yard waste of limbs, sticks and leaves.  I took out a truck load of dogwood bush limbs leftover from my timing them.  I saw this bank of flowers out there and it was mums and sedum that had been tossed on the pile.   I was excited to think that they were pulled up and I could get some roots of the mums and sedum.  No such luck, as the people had just cropped off the top of all of their plants getting their gardens ready for winter.  I did bring back some mums and put them in water as they seemed to had been placed there on Sunday.  I did look over some roots of another kind of hosta that had been placed to the side, one time when I was out there.  I didn't take them but some one else had by the next  day.  I will go out there again tomorrow so I can check out what else has been tossed.

Our downstairs bathroom really is not a good place for a potting center.  I just needed them to be reorganize in their pots and to toss some of the out of the collection. Someday I am hoping to put is a scrub sink into the furnace room so I won't be doing this to the bathroom sink. When I divided that plant of the sansevieria which had been over crowed for a few years, I pulled out a lot of individual specimens. I tossed some today, even though they were good plants, I just can't keep them all.  I am going to take one of them tomorrow to a neighbor lady at the old place and maybe my wife's friend in Des Moines would like one. It is a low maintenance plant that lets you forget to water it and keeps living anyway.

This donkey and plant will not stay on the back of the toilet. It just looks good there right now as I decide where to put it.  I had it upstairs with the fancy dancy stuff but I don't think it will do well up there anymore. I did replace the vine but it still seems to belong downstairs.

More shots of the mums while they are taking in some water.
The bouquet is a free one with very little work required to get them into a vase. I like the color of these mums. This is just a second photo of the same thing.

We have a couple of chairs to be delivered today for our downstairs area.  We decided that a couple of new upholstered  chairs with ottomans will inspire us to finish off the room down there.  We still can't quite figure out where the sitting area will be. The birds are causing us to rethink things as they like to be in the windows and the artist really do like to be the window too. It is really a minor problem but it was a lot easier to decide things upstairs.

I am home to day for the delivery and for the sake of my old body to heal up a little bit from the work I do at the house. We took a severe change in temperatures today and it is not good with the strong winds. It will freeze someday this week for sure.   I will try to work a little out in the yard this afternoon but I will have to wear layers and a stocking cap.   I hope all are doing well out there.  Thanks for stoping by today.


  1. I've probably said it before, but here in GA we are able to stick cuttings of sedum in the ground or pot and they root. My dad and I always had great fun doubling or tripling our sedum plants this way. Your mums are very pretty; lovely color. We have an unfinished basement but we do have a toilet. Like you, we hope to put in a sink at some point for potting plants/cleaning up paint etc.

  2. The mums are very pretty, Larry, and nice that you gave them a respite for awhile. Your downstairs bathroom does seem a bit overloaded with plants and when you do get a sink it will be much easier than using the bathroom one. Hope the cold snap is quickly gone so you can get your outdoor projects done. We have a lot of rain tonight and for the next day or so.

  3. Pretty Mums! We might get snow tomorrow, I just finished putting some more "yard stuff" away, kept two chairs out yet it might warm up:)
