Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday with no Wind......

Afternoon coffee in a poppies mug. It is a neat mug with a great handle to hold. The mugs are stowed with the dishes so I don't use them so much.  I may have to move a couple of them up on the coffee mug shelf.

Space guy was slipped into a box as he is so neat to see. I don't think the whole set came with him but I do have a few of these guys. This one actually was among some of the tools. My shop has its own theme as it is a storage room too. So Christmas, toys, antiques and framing stuff all share space with all the other part of the room. I forgot pottery and ceramic pots in my list and then there are, of course, tools.

Because of the two new chairs placed in the basement, the red oriental rug was banished to my shop. It really wasn't banished as I now have it on my floor next to my work bench. I have a fancy shop with great style.

This is a good time to share the spooky rug.  It moves on its own when one isn't watching.  Actually the rug moves as we walk on it as its backing lets it shift as you step.  I kept noticing the rug was changing position and finally checked it out. It isn't a floating carpet but it just kept moving counter clockwise.  Now that it is on a concrete floor on the shop it just may stay still. I don't believe in spooks but this one really baffled me for a while as I would come downstairs and the rug had moved.

It is what you don't see in this photo that is important.  I was tired but I thought I should plow through and get all the trimmed branches into the truck. After that I went ahead and cut down the last two of the 8 bushes. They are all gone, all packed down into the truck.  This morning they were dragged out onto the dump area for the city to burn later.

I have had a busy day and need to close this blog down now.  Thank you for stopping by today.

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