Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Blah Start of a Day.......

It is a blah day.  The sunrise was not inspiring.  The temperatures are just above freezing and the wind chills will make it uncomfortable. These really are the many days that we have before winter hits.  The benefits of the nice fall weather really doesn't hang around for very long. We did have a beautiful sunset last night with many spotted clouds a lots of red and yellow colors.

Looking up the way from our back deck we get to see this mature tree. It was left to grow when the developers created housing units in a soybean farm field. Both neighbors of the tree get to share the leaves.

I identify the yard as the ones who own the tree and the people who have a lab and dachshund.The two dogs are best friends even with the big difference in their size.  I don't see the dogs outside very much as they are two houses down.  When I do see then in part of the yard they are chasing and running together and both are concerned that they will never be let back into the house. When I hear a lab barking, I know it is their dog wanting to get back inside. Sometimes I think they get themselves in trouble and they are banished during a meal.

The remodeling of the old library table is coming along fine.  I feel like I am rescuing a table that should never had been cut down.  I was a young kid at the time and thought it would be unique shortening the legs to make it into a coffee table. At the time the furniture was modern looking and boxy in shape. This made it blend in to the furniture. My appreciation of an antique oak library table would be changed today. It originally was covered with blackish stain to keep people from seeing the grain of the wood.

After I constructed the shelf for the bottom of the table I found I couldn't get it back into its position.  I wasn't surprised but I though I would try to get it back in there.

The inside brace of one end had to be unfastened so I could slip it onto the other side of the legs.  I learned how to counter sink screws with this project as I had never don't that before this project.  I found wood buttons, caps, to cover the heads of the screws making the look be closer to Arts and Crafts styling or Craftsman.

Because it is a remodel to save it from its first repurposing style, I will paint it. I know that it can be stripped off again but for now I am tired of seeing it as an oak table top. It has been a coffee table for forty years and now will be a decorator's piece.  The grandkids will love playing on it just as Andy and Aaron did. The braces on the legs and the cross bracing with the three boards makes it a very strong table.  It had wobbly legs before I did this. In its original form the library table had three vertical boards on the ends of it and a wide single board that extend the length of the table.

We were taking a short cut to a location near Des Moines yesterday and the remaining Canada geese were out and about.  We have certain flocks of them that now chose to winter over in Iowa and I am betting the ones we saw were just some of them.

Thank you for stopping in today.  I wish you all well. Have a great day.

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