Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Visit to the Trees........

I worked at the old place today and was able to grab some shots of the silver maple tree. I had only my wife's photo but it did seem to take some great shots.

The old tree is getting to be too tall.  I didn't get the tree down as planed but will offer to take it down if the future owner wants me to do so.  I am concerned that it will fall on the front of house. I don't have a buyer yet nor is it on the market at this time.

I used my wheel barrow today to move some soil from one part of the property into an old fish pond.  As of now the pond is completely filled in and the liner bricks, 22 of them have been removed.  It was one of my most physical jobs to do.  I had to finish it today as a major cold front moves in tomorrow.  I kept plugging along even though I was exhausted.  I even got the twenty two bricks moved out and stacked neatly in two piles. I my use those for creating a sidewalk or patio addition.

The truck has been so helpful in getting things done.  I switched wheel barrows today moving the old bad one to to the old place and the newer one back home. I decided to crop out the license plate from the photo  so it looks strange because of it. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful shots of the trees. So happy you are enjoying the truck. Our weather is turning colder too. You two have a pleasant evening.

  2. Your truck has come in real handy! It is supposed to warm up next week...maybe to 40 so maybe you will get to 60!! :)

  3. Great trees! Looks like Fall is creeping in!

  4. There's nothing like a truck to get things done. Grenville got a lot of use out of his Jeep pickup before he sold it before we left VA. We really don't have a need for one now living in an apt.
