Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday's Things......

The clouds seem to keep the sun covered on this cold morning.  By the time the sun appears it is being covered mostly by the next layer of clouds.

As I travel to the old place I have to cross a dam that is separating two lakes.  Big Creek is a very old lake that would have attached to the newly created big lake, Saylorville. I don't think Big Creek was a natural lake but it is a lot like our state parks that have lakes that are man made ponds.  They put a dam between the two so Big Creek will never be flooded when the larger lake raises to a high level. With all this explaining of things I want to share that I did see a flock of pelicans remaining on that small lake yet in the first week of November. They were off in a distance and it looks like a snowbank on the water. I was surprised and yet I see other photographers in Iowa are picking up shots of them on the Mississippi River.

I could humanize the story and say they must have missed the plane. I can predict that when the waters start to freeze over they will have to quit resting and eating and start flapping their wings. We have Canada geese that are flying in formation now that are really just moving from one farm field to another. It is hard to know which geese are heading south but I think the central Iowan geese don't leave. The geese tend to migrate along our two rivers, Missouri and Mississippi. I have a very old book that has a title "The Land Between Two Rivers" that came from a country school library. If the Saylorville had not been built the migrations would not have ever been viewed here.

In my free time the next few days, I am going to address these invading vines. I need to trim it all back before spring so it can invade the stairs and the deck again next summer.

It is cold today with the warmth of the day being 33 degrees F. at noon and then it gets colder again. I spent yesterday morning in the cold, working on things outside so I am getting a little adjusted to the shock of its bite. I am old enough to know that I have to dress for this cold now so it does make my life better. I don't run out without a coat anymore. Barney is impatient when I go for the coat and hat before putting on his leash but that is the rule.

I wish everyone to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It's interesting to go along on your drive back to your old home. You see some fun things. Wow! Your temps are cold. John says he has been gone so long from Detroit that he could no longer deal with the extreme cold. I was looking on a map yesterday and your area is approximately 925 miles from us! Theo is at the vet having his teeth cleaned and 4 extractions. He will be tired and hungry when we pick him up later.

  2. You are not the only one getting ready for some colder temps, Larry, as it will be a blast of cold air here in the northeast this weekend. we already have our winter gear ready. Hopefully, the snow will hold off a bit.

  3. I love Pelicans Who can? Pelican!...:)
