Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday's Things......

The honeysuckle vine just keeps on blooming. I was surprised to see this when I could see the leaves were turning on it. It seems like an exotic plant by the way that its flowers look.

The leaves on the bradford trees have dropped continually  for the past two days.  They are not all completely down but this afternoon I will go out and rake. I just mulched them yesterday and it looked like this by the later afternoon. With the wind blowing from the south a lot of them headed up the hill into my neighbors edge of his property. I will rake them up too as I am the one who only has trees out there.

Our neighborhood plans to be lighted everywhere as a large majority of the houses have lights up already.  We will have some lights but none of this follow the edges of the roof thing. We made a purchase of various lights and a large wreath for over the garage door.  I am going to go slow on this as I am back to working at the house again. I mulched leaves at the old place this morning and didn't get done.  I have the best areas alone the two streets cleaned up and some of the orchard area may not be mulched.

At the old house I replaced some siding on the north side of the house.  I slapped on some white primer once installed and it looks really bad.  The painter that was going to paint the house didn't get to it.  So today I started to paint back onto the white primer coat, the original color of the house.  It is generously done for the sake of the neighborhood, so they don't have to look at it. One more day and I will have that done.

It was so nice to have the company over Thanksgiving. We really had some quality time with them and everyone seemed to have a good time.  I have a lot of photos that I won't share but I will sneak in a few once in a while. Thanks for your visit today at my blog.  I wish you all to be well.


  1. Hi, That's amazing about the honeysuckle blooms. We have one black eyed Susan bloom now. Don't overdo trying to take care of both lawns. I look forward to you two sharing your pretty Christmas collections. I love seeing your grandsons playing at your new home. It makes you even happier that you chose the home you did - a perfect place to make lots of memories.

  2. Amazing that the honeysuckle has blooms on it.
