Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday's Watch.......

Our lower level studio proves to be a good place for the oldest grandson too.  He has a strong interest in creating visuals on paper.  My hair is wind blown from being outside and apparently no one wanted to tell me how silly I looked. I wouldn't look much bette but hair sticking out all over is not the normal style for me. I leveled the drawing board later and we spent some time painting pictures too.

AJ spent a lot of time discovering his Uncle Aaron's lego castle sets. He and his dad were quiet for a long time down there and I found both of them going through the sets trying to get them back together.

On the second day of their visit the white table got put into service.  War broke out so to speak as the two castle sets were arranged and people placed with theirproper castle.  I had saved all the manuals for them so my son was able to get them all back together properly. When moving the other son had dumped both of them in one plastic bin, with one upside down on top of the other. It didn't take only a couple of hours to get straighten from that jumbled mess.

I have been messing with my Google photos site.  I find it difficult to use and yet once I explored it yesterday, I think I can figure it out.  I am frustrated that I can't move my son's 77 photos into my blog spot storage.  There is a way but I think I will have to jump through a few hoops.

I am headed back to the old house and will try to finish up the paint patching that needs to be done.  I was able to walk this morning after yesterday's physical activity. I will work one more day and then take off a day.  Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. That is a sweet photo of you and AJ. You both look very intent on your activities. It was just like Christmas for your grandsons to have new/different toys to play with.

  2. Legos are such a great entertainment for kids, what fun! :)
