Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year Thoughts....

The bird found my seed tray and was there for a long time. No other bird showed up and this little one just sat there and feasted. When it finally gets found by the other birds I am certain they will make a real mess of things.

I am baffled as to what creature makes a single hole in the snow then makes another one about six feet away. I don't think rabbits would do this but I am wondering if a squirrel would do it. I don't know if a predator bird would do that.

I am going to hold back on my reason for having all the wheels. It is a complicated story and it is best to leave it a lone one more time.  An in-law is the reason that they were moved to the new place.

I like plaid and this guy looks really spiffy.  I am practicing with the new camera and I still think the plaid is in focus and the bear isn't in perfect focus

I have no resolutions for this year. I find that we have redefined ourselves by moving to a completely different home and location. We committed to a newer home in December 2016 and didn't actually start moving until April 1st.  One fourth of our year was devoted to packing and planning. It was difficult but was worth it.  Once in our new home we had started to unpacked, and then we had to stop. We had to change our focus.  We found ourselves devoted to my wife's cousin. She developed severe health problems that left her being in surgery three times and staying in intensive care for a month or more.  During all that time she was on a respirator. Our new place facilitated us easy access to the hospital and also then to the hospice. With my wife's cousin's passing we were glad we could be there for her.  At the same time a first cousin of mine who lived in California lost here battle to cancer. As we finished off the year things did seem to smooth out for us. Our kids and grandkids came for a visit over Thanksgiving.

Christmas time distracted us from the worse of our year. The year did seem like a whirlwind memory and the new year has just begun. I don't know what to expect in the future but I am ready to take on anything new, anything worthwhile, anything that will make good changes in other's lives. I also want to have some fun too.

Thank you for stopping by today.

Those who read this yesterday will see the new version today.  Sometimes, some things said, should not have been said.  I went in and corrected it. 


  1. You've had a tough year. Hope the next works out better and you get all settled in. Hoping the same thing for us!

  2. You both did the right thing for Jeanine. You cared for her when she needed it most.

    I'm sorry for the two losses you had in 2017.

    May 2018 be a good year for you both ~ FlowerLady
