Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Middle of the Week......

The tree sparrow describes his opinion of the weather by the way his feathers appear.  Snow, sleet and rain didn’t deter them from coming to the feeders.  The strong winds did keep them off of the sock feeder as the rapidly swung in the breeze.

The sunshine this morning did bring the birds back and they looked bright in the sunlight. We still are running in the low 20s F. making it seem like winter while walking around outside in the sun. The heavy winter coat felt good outside last night while walking Barney. Sleet was blowing in my face so I had to keep turning away from it.

My arrangements of old things above the cupboards have been bothering me.  I was displaying too much.  I spent a part of the morning simplifying them with the idea that less is more. If you gave me a dozen old things to arrange, I could do it. But it was just too many things up there on top of the cupboards.  This display here is actually a new one that I created on the one lone cupboard on the west side of the room. I had to sit the bean pot up on blocks so that it could be seen.

The after looks like this for now.  I see some places that I need to work on and maybe remove more.

It is a subtle change and I do think the cookie jar on the far left is going to go away too. The two pottery pieces were removed but I ended up adding a smaller white pitcher. I have one other display that I worked on getting things to be more simple.

Most people don’t paint picots on these but I have done a lot for commission work.  I would like to try to do one for myself. I had three of these in the basement of the old place and yet I have one larger one to bring down. It is a challenge to paint on weathered wood but once the paint gets built up the easier it is to do the job.  This one door will need to be cleaned up a lot form cobwebs and dust before it can enter the basement.

Waiting for it to warm up for today.  I regret not covering my crocus.  They diid take some damage from the freeze.  I think it was the hard wind that bothered them most. I wish you all a great day today.  Thanks......for stopping in.

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see what you paint on the old wood. I have to simplify too...and dust on top of my cupboards. Still cold here...very winter like:(
