Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thoughts of Today......

A burst of color is a good way to start off this blog today. We do have sunshine this morning and it is suppose to warm up some.  I guess snow is on its way tomorrow.

Everyone is allowed stupid mistakes and I am the one that is suffering most over the mistake.  I should have covered  the purple colored crocus.  The thought flew through my mind but the action didn’t take place. Crocus are tough in early spring with ice and snow but 17 degree F. temperatures destroyed the crocus.  I was going to go lay a towel over them and I had an old age memory loss.  That temperature was our recored one that we had 118 years ago to the day.  It is suppose to be spring.  Anyway, the white ones and daffy ones did not seem to be bothered.

The camera actually picked up the white crocus bloom with just a tad of blur. I see the daffodils will bloom soon in the snow I guess. I have three hyacinths that will bloom within the next week. I did not plant them but I did buy the place with a lot of money, so they are mine now.

Our morning looked like this as the sun had to be high enough to show with all the horizon clouds.  I did see a faint pink horizon for a few minutes while out with Barney earlier but it was gone when I got to the back deck area.
I know that I have saturated my blogs with bird shots.  I have way too many of them.  I did want to share three that have such a good photographic quality. The males are really showy with the red feathers.

But the females have such a delicate pattern on them that makes them seem more like figurine sculptures.

I am going to have to start high grading my shots as I have too many. I should trash them leaving one good one instead of having three or more in storage. I did see my female cardinal for a second of time on the deck this morning.  I did see a blue jay working the ground area around the blue spruce but no photos for me.  This morning out front I heard a wren chattering away.  That male bird also makes a few nests before the female arrives so she can pick her spot that she likes.  The chattering wren was sort of a territorial sound compared to the song of melody that they like to make.

I am anxious for real spring.  I know that we move through it so fast and then it becomes hot. Real spring will be a good thing. I hope all are well out there and thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy the bird pictures very much. My camera won't pick up the birds that I see in the woods. I do enjoy listening to the birdsong, though. It seems most of us are having a wild crazy spring! The only plant that is struggling here is a newly planted snowball bush. The cold temps nipped the leaves. Hope you have a nice evening.
