Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday’s Things......

Mr. Cardinal is crushing down the larger sized millet. Some of the smaller birds don’t like that larger sized seed so they leave it around until I have to dump it.

The snow is gone now with a little bit of sleet in the roof valleys.  We are promised no more snow.

The pair of house finches often share the sock on opposite sides. The sometimes follow each other around it as they find better seeds in front of them.
I had to vacuum around this table with plants this morning.  I was thinking that I can’t wait to get these back outside again. The shot is taken from outside the door looking in showing that the window in the sliding glass door did a good job to  cause growth on the oxalis.  I have all my geraniums in buckets to take outside too.  I will have to decide if I am going to leave them in the buckets or put them into the ground.

I moved the skillet close to the house to keep the snow from filling it up and covering the seed. I see the birds really don’t  feel unsafe to come this close to the door.  I sometimes slide open the door a crack to let the kitchen floor cool off for Barney.  He likes his hardwood floors cold. Anyway, I pull the screen now as I don’t want a stray bird in the house or even a squirrel.

We sent off a birthday box for our youngest s2 year old grandson this morning. His parents really are going to have to do a garage sale to get rid of all of the toys they have.  We sent some fresh new ones today for our sweet littlest guy. Recently we received some shots of Teddy eating a fudge ice cream bar.  It was all over his person.  This morning we got a shot of him working with stamp pads at daycare.  Teddy had used his forehead and cheeks as places to  press the stamps.

We are off on an adventure this afternoon and won’t be gone for lone.  We are promised that spring will be here tomorrow and we will see no more snow ever this year. I bought some lawn treatment materials this morning while at the Ace hardware.  I had gone for a new light bulb for our range hood but I did buy my weed and feed stuff.  I wish everyone a good day today.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. Happy adventure they make the day fun, we try to never miss one that
    comes our way.
