Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday’s Final Finish......

Thursday evening with the big tree in the shot. It was a better sunset than this but a row of houses were blocking the complete view.

The morning brings me a sunrise that is in full view. It is going to be another hot day.  For some reason I think those clouds were some that I have seen before with the day ended up being a scorcher. day,

The red twig dogwoods have come to life.  Their red bark has all turned into a yellow green color and the leaves are developing. I didn’t notice when the lost their red color but it hasn’t been too many days ago. I was just out there thinking those red twigs are not coming back. They are a little rugged in condition but I can see no there will be shorter round shapes of leaves.

The oxalis plant in the large round pot is outside now and it immediately started to bloom. The whole set of foliage died back and a new crown shaped set of stems and  leaves is growing. It grows well outside until the temperatures get to be too hot.

Up at the house I did mow yesterday and it did get too hot.  I picked  a couple of iris stems as they were laying on the ground.  I also had both shrubs of weigela in bloom. I do have stems of those shrubs in water trying to root them for planting at the new place. The stray sticks with a few leaves in this bunch are those rooting sticks.
I keep watching for new kinds of hosta but I think I have reached my limit in kids.  This one here does look like a new one for me left by the previous owner.  Trimming back the dogwood did give the hosta plants a good chance to grow in full sunlight.

I have a second new robin’s nest under my deck.  I don’t know if the other nest was used but the two seem really close together for two pair of robins to share space.  They seem very territorial. I hope the pair didn't just built two of them and only used the one.

We are having another hot day today.  I am taking time to catch up on the last flower plantings. I have six marigolds to put somewhere and just bought too many of them.

I have not major plans for the weekend but will take it easy for three or four days in a row.  I appreciate  your stopping by today.


  1. I like the pink flowers. Have not tried them I am in zone 8 so I don't know if they would make it here or not. Hosta plants live best in shade here.

  2. Happy that your plants/shrubs are doing well. So far, we don't have any bird's nests under our deck. It makes getting in and out the basement door difficult when they do build there!
    No plans here either. We normally stay home on holidays due to traffic in this area. City folks started flowing into town on Friday mid-day.
