Thursday, May 24, 2018

Getting Some Jobs Done....

Yesterday I was able to get the marigolds in on the border of the raised bed. I am happy how it all turned out and will be glad to have the marigolds crowd into their row as they grow. I found a red-orange colored marigold to throw into the mix.  It will give it a less regimented  look. I had a few plants left over so they are placed elsewhere in the back yard flower beds.

I am told that the marigolds are good to ward off insects but I really just do it to make a showy flowerbed.  The tomatoes have really started to grow bigger.  My neighbors were really big plants from the start but mine will catch up to them.  I have been watering mine already to help keep them going. When I worked on the beds, I was able to swing one side of the fencing  around and work on it one side at a time.  The original owner had a good design for this.

I did get the cecropias planted yesterday.  I have always wanted one of them but I could never get them to grow.  This half gallon buck of them should prove to make me successful with blooms each year.
We first saw these at a rest area in Colorado but never really planted any of them. I think they have different names but I am not certain of them.

Two rows of zinnias have been planted in the two crooked rows that I made.  It will be a "wait and see “ situation to find what seed actually will grow.  It is so hot and dry right now and it make take them a while to germinate.  The one package of seed had a purple coating on them to make it easier to plant. I do have leftover seed from last years plants if I need to reseed anywhere.

The young iris  bed looks like this right now. There are more buds to bloom and I will keep taking shots of the bed to show its progress.   I mowed at the farm this morning, earlier than usual.  It predicted that it would be 81 degrees by 9:00 this morning.  Even though I was early I still had to work it that heat.  It can really drag your energy level down fast.  I had a neighbor lady come over for a 30 minute talk on the street so I did loose time getting the job down before it got too hot. I am soaking in air conditioning this afternoon to bring me back from that.   It is really too hot to do anything outside this afternoon.   I can force myself to grill a steak to go with my wife’s potato salad and the rest of that day and evening I will be inside.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your gardens are well on the way Larry !
    Yes, the Marigolds will keep insects at bay, just not deer :(
    I love the raised bed designs, so easy to work, and saves your back.
    Too hot to be outside here....90 degrees and awful humidity.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. It's all looking good. Enjoy the progress, then the harvest.

