Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sizzling on Saturday.....

Friday nights storm were forming north of us.  I am sure the old place got wind and rain. I know some had received large hail stones.

I have a lot of favorites of the cemetery iris.  This one I started from a three inch rhizome from the Murray Cemetery. Years later it had grown into a very healthy large plant.

I really must have been concerned about bringing it down to the new place as I have three sets of growth of it. I must have dug it early spring and then summer again as I kept returning from the farm. Its falls have such nice pattern on them of dark and light colors.

My rows of marigolds are doing great. I had a couple of orange ones that I used as accent colors in the yellow rows. I watered them yesterday and due to the high heat today I will probably water this evening.

This is the first year for me to buy the orange ones.  I usually get a daisy-like marigold but Wally’s Mart didn’t seem to have them for me to buy.

This iris is so much better looking than what the camera is doing for it. I will keep taking shots of it until I get a really good one. The bearded part with the falls seems to photograph good enough.

Our one rhubarb is seeding already.  I have pulled three of the stalks out and now will do this one.  A young minister friend doesn’t believe me that rhubarb goes to seed so I took a photo of it just for him to see.

It is a very hot day today and I won’t be finishing off my mowing today. It maybe will be cooler on Monday.  Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to enjoy some of the three day holiday.


  1. I do love all of your irises. That's interesting about the rhubarb. Good to have a photo to share with your friend! We have several marigolds coming back from seeds from last year. We've had rain every day for over a week, so for now, we are not having to water.
    Take care in the heat.

  2. Irises were my favorites at the Virginia house and we had many in the front yard, but their blooms were unfortunately so brief. Enjoyed seeing the photos of yours in this post, Larry.
