Sunday, May 27, 2018

Heavy, Hot Heat.....

My hosta plants are doing well. At least two out of three will be good sized.  The one is trying to make some growth spurt but it seems to be struggling.

I inherited this row of peonies.  We were in a drought last year so none of them looked good. This year they are opening up in a heat wave of upper 90s.  I watered them this morning before we headed to church. I see the lavender is looking good in the other flower bed.
This iris is doing so well considering that it had not bloomed at the old place for about three years.  The iris is called “superstition” and is black when it is in bud form.
So far I have three of my cemetery iris blooming. I am not seeing the brown and yellow, white and blue, and pale yellow iris blooming.  I don’t think those three will bloom this year unless they bloom late. I will just have to wait and see. I know where some of them are planted yet at the farm and I may have to dig them again and repellent them.

It is too hot to be outside today.  We are suppose to get up to 99 degrees F. today. It will be nice to get back to normal temperatures but I am not sure when that will be.

Have a great rest of the day today and thanks for stopping by at my blog.


  1. I just got this same hosta in a pot.Hope to plant it some were.
    Yea" a whole row of Peonies and your iris is a good deep color.

  2. Your Iris are lovely! The heat this early in the season is horrid. Stay cool:)

  3. we used to have many hosta plants growing in the yard when we lived in NJ, but strangely none when we lived in Virginia. Glad yours are doing well. That dark purple iris is beautiful and I saw one just like it today in Nashua! Hope you are enjoying a restful and cooler holiday after your previous post about the hotter temps. We're having an overcast, damp and chilly weekend here. Thanks, Larry, for the recent blog visit and comments on the grandchildren's photos - much appreciated
