Monday, May 28, 2018

More of the Same....Heat.

It is too hot to go out and take photos. I watered flowers and tomatoes this morning. I mowed the front half of the yard and the heat finally got to me.  I had to quit.

The heat effects the sensors of a digital camera giving me different colors that what is really there.

Two of the falls on this iris have not moved down into position.  It is a pink one that  I moved and it really is frail looking as a plant. I will keep checking to see if the one and only bloom will finishing open its last two petals.

The people who wanted to enjoy this weekend of three days really didn’t get to do that. We broke heat records yesterday and will be doing so again today.  We were close to 99 degrees F. yesterday and today we will be cooler by a couple of degrees. Some camp areas lost electricity as they were not able to handle the demand needed to run air in all the campers.  A lot just went home a day or two early.  I know for sure we have hit summer already and I do think it could cool down a bit.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. It is very warm here too...80 something today, and tomorrow we cool off maybe you will too, by the weekend we might make 70 extreme to another. Stay cool:) Chance did not want to be outside at all today, he was out when we were both outside but if someone was in the house so was he:)
