Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday’s Things......

Yesterday, the heat created storm problems with all that heat having to mix it up and react. We didn’t get rain from it but people north of us got downpours and lots of hail. We were told that we haven’t had heat like this since the dust bowl era.  I do hope it starts to turn around to be normal weather soon.

These clouds do not turn into tornados but they are the ones you see while tornadoes develop elsewhere.  The day was so extremely hot that the tornadoes ended up being miniature ones not causing damage.

The former owner had peonies of three different colors and buttercups all planted together. I will water everything today because I didn’t last year and the flowers were ruined. I will be out working today early because it is to be 90 degrees by nine o’clock.  That gives me a window of an hour and a half to get it all done.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. We are in the low 70's this morning a little rain should
    get to 81 today. This is unusual our weather is in reversed.

  2. Those bumpy clouds are called mammatus clouds. Your peonies are beautiful. :)

  3. Our weather has improved from the weekend when we had overcast skies and chilly temperatures. Today it's sunny and warmer. Those clouds were really nice, Larry, and glad they did not create any tornadoes.
