Saturday, September 1, 2018


The ending sky was showing the clearing of one more set of rain clouds. The rains keep coming today, Saturday, and more is to come throughout the week.

A  still life created by me as I drop off things and don’t put things away. The plastic kids bucket has a long history of being found in the street, being loans to a science teacher, and being retrieved from the dumpster after she threw it away. I use it now to carry water from my water tanks to special areas for watering.  It keeps my climbing rose watered as the rose is too far away from the water hose.

It is almost filled with small things.  The space is limited so everything has to be short to fit into the cubby holes. It is nice to have it as I usually have a drawer somewhere that I place all the odd stuff.  I add things immediately when I find them laying around or they fall out of boxes while I keep unpacking boxes.

While digging out the last of a corner cupboard at the old place, I found a sun tea jar.  One other thing that I found was this glass percolator. It was placed down in the dark corner of the shelf when the new Mr Coffee coffeemakers were placed on the market.  I have it boiling and perking here and will someday try to make one more cup of coffee with it. I think I bought this at a garage sale back in the late 1970s. They don’t sell the big grind coffee anymore but I bet I could roughly cut my coffee beans with my grinder. It will be like a science project figuring out how long to boil and perk and then to taste the results.

The geese are getting the dust washed off of them with all the different rains that we are having.  Our weather forecasts show that we will receive rain everyday for forever. Thanks for checking in on my posting today,

1 comment:

  1. My Mom used to have a glass perculator like that, I recall washing it...and being very careful! :)
