Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Second Day of the Week.

I am curious as to how tall the sunflowers have grown.  I will take a measured reading some of these days.  This is the second bloom with six left to bloom.

The heat was hard on the two blooms with he yellow petals becoming all shriveled. I hadn’t water for a day and that was probably a part of the problem. I am thinking that is a bumble bee on the flower.

I would hate to think that this is the last of my flowering season but the petunias are struggling in the heat.

This one variety seems to be strong with drought conditions.  My next door neighbor who has regularly watered his grass was out mowing his yard last night. He is back watering again this morning.

The locust tree is such a nice tree for a front yard specimen. I have been watering the burning bush when I do the flowers as its leaves look pretty wilted in out weather. You can see the neighbor’s wedge of yard with all its green grass in this photo.

The zinnias have thicken up with more blooms as I keep watering them every chance that I can get.  I am off to take the car for an old change.  The car itself complains to me that I need an oil change. The computer contacts are harassing me too.  It is about as consistent with warnings as the dentist office is. I made in through the dentist appointment and spent the rest of the day getting over the experience.    I had drug out the time between the last appointment at the dentist but I finally responded to their calls for care.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your sunflowers are amazing! I enjoyed seeing them. Chance is still hanging in there he ate boiled hamburger and rice tonight and asked for more rice and that was five plus hours ago and he is keeping it down, the crisis may be over...I hope:)
