Saturday, September 8, 2018

Blue Skies........

I think blue really is my favorite color.  I used to think red was but the richness of this blue is so great. I didn’t realize that the aircraft from Sac Air Force Base have not been flying over us for many months. I don’t think I have not seen any during the spring or all summer. Today I watched this jet leave a vapor trail as it was returning its way west again. It is funny how you don’t miss things like this until you are reminded of them.  I guess they must have different areas for a while to do their practice flights.

We were still clouded over the past evening. I think we may escape rains today for most of the day.

I do a silly pattern around the blue spruce in the backyard.  The only people who can see it are the neighbors who look out there back windows. I sort of do it for myself because it is fun.  I also do it to be rebellion with my neighbors who spend so much time getting perfect diagonal golf course lines on their yards. The geese were moved again to take on their new sculptural territory.

Looking down from the living room window is the sight of all the glories in bloom.  I haven’t taken any close shots for a while and should do that this morning.  This vine has now travelled up to the deck floor and is blooming there.

It has taken it all summer to grow up into this area.  It is nice to have them blooming closer to the house.  Creatively it would be ideal to have them growing on all three sides of the railing but I don’t know if I have the ambition to do that next year.  The one that I do have growing out of a pot has taken all summer to just now start blooming.

I discovered that I don’t have a drain hole or holds in the planter.  It was full of water and the vine sits in it turning the vines yellow. I guess I need to get a long drill bit and put a couple of holes in the bottom doing it from the top side.

I mowed a patch of grass that was leftover from the last mowing session.  I can see now that my front yard on one side needs to be done again.  Maybe that will happen after our trip to the bookstore. I hope that everyone will  have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Your morning glories are beautiful Larry. I like your mowing pattern...what a rebel you are! :)
