Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Local Buzz..........

The migrating birds are so active and aggressive that they don’t have time to eat. This was a rare moment when they were on the feeder opposite each other.  I don’t think they can see each other so they don’t get so upset.

With all the chasing going on the bystanders are always looking up to see if any bird is coming at them. I think too that  he is looking up to the feeder above to watch the hummers buzzing around.

The eating and watching is necessary so there won’t be any surprises. I like being able to see those tail feathers with the white tips. The infighting really does go on continually through daylight hours.

We are going to have a great week for good weather.  I have some of may yard work caught up and today I will rest.  The rains have the grass growing again and mowing every four of five days can be done. I wish everyone to have a great day today.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. We still had one hummer yesterday, yours are beautiful:)

  2. You got some great close-ups of hummingbirds, Larry.Sadly, I never had any luck trying to get a clear shot at the VA house.
