Friday, September 7, 2018

Getting my Act Together......

The rains and more rains have paid off when it comes to bringing back our grass. It is a game to see who is going to mow next and nobody mows all at the same time.  I see this morning that my neighbor guy, who has a perfect lawn, mowed in the evening making my yard to be taller than his. I still have a third of my backyard to finish as I had to quit the other day when it just got to hot to be out there.

The Facebook friends are telling me that are all getting multiple hummingbirds at their feeders.  I guess the migrations are starting.  The pelicans have started to return from up north with a few sightings on our lake. I don’t know if the flooded lake destroyed a lot of their feeding sights with the lake 34 feet higher than normal.  I know the shorelines have all been destroyed with the water that high.  It eroded a lot of Iowa soil and took out a new batch of lakeshore trees. I know that the pelicans are fish eaters but the weed beds are probably all changed with that high water level.

The finch are having no problems sharing the feeder.  They seem to be able to get a lot of natural seed from around the area but they do like easy pickings once in a while. They liked being at the feeder when it is raining. I am trying to decide when to put out the wild bird feeder to bring in other variety of birds.  My neighbor’s garden won’t be bothered by them now as it is almost completely harvested. I would like to see cardinal out there again and maybe a bluejay once in a while.  I know the doves will come back too.  I regret the fall weather is here as it is cold in the morning.  I want to get the most out of fall since I am not a fan of snow as much as I use to be.

I was looking for the neighboring town's appliance store yesterday when I was at the old place.  I drove over to buy something for my neighbors and the store has been shut down and vacated.  There was a junk shop there.  I asked questions of the owner about where I can buy appliances in the town and they said there isn’t one now.  So I shopped around in there second hand shop.  I found a cheap serving piece that reminded me of the Mildred dish pattern that I collect.  I knew it wasn’t exactly that pattern but it was very close. For 2 bucks I brought it home and checked it out.  It has a few cracks in it but it is a large piece with the handles and a pedestal. It could be used with the old dishes that we have without a problem. It is big enough to hold bread or to display fruit in it.

It is larger than the photo displays and it is of a 1920’s design. I can store it with the Mildred dishes and make use of when we bring out the pattern.

I will finish today with Mr. Ruffles.  I try to name them if I can identify them. This goes seems to be ruffled during the rain and I really haven’t seen that in these birds before now.

I will wait for the sprinkles to stop and the grass to dry to finish up on my mowing today.  I have other projects that I can do on this cloudy day. I have a couple dozen of globe allium to get in the ground soon.  I appreciate your stopping in and checking out my post today.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason your blog disappeared from my blog list. Hope everything is okay with you. I like the picture of the humming bird.
