Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday’s Things.......

Even though the majority moved out on Sunday I do still have a couple of fighters hanging around fighting over two feeders. Two birds with two feeders seems like a good situation but they still fight. I am waiting to see if I get any more migrating through.  My wife has an artist friend in Missouri that puts out a dozen feeders each year and the movie showed hundreds of birds swarming their porch.

My three amigos have become five as the younger ones are filling in seed heads. This variety has been good at staying pretty straight and strong.  I guess that is why they are called mammoth sunflower.

The fungus comes and goes from the old tree stump.  I wonder what kind of tree that it was.  I do know the it must have been overpowering the blue spruce. I had a batch of these that sprouted up and then just went away.  After I mowed in this area the new batch popped up overnight. I have a cousin who would turn this into a fairy village with figurines and houses. Did you know that Hobby Lobby now sells all the accessories for people who like to make fairy villages.

I had picked a lot of tomatoes yesterday.  When I returned with a camera I noticed that I forgot to pick the harvest from the hanging garden on the edge of raised bed.

Yes, the tomato patch is coming to an end. A lot of the tomatoes split open as the generous rains was just too much for them. I don’t think I have had that problem before with growing tomatoes.

My volunteer yellow pear tomato has been such a great producer of tomatoes.

I have to send a photo of these to my brother in Arizona as we do compare how our tomatoes are doing.  His season is different than our as he has to grow them before the hot heat of summer hits them in the desert.

My peperomia had out grown its six inch plastic pot.  I bought a new one for it to be moved with more soil.  I will show more photos in the future. If you remember the terrarium era the peperomia was place in glass jars.  The one that I bought in a three inch pot now is in this large pot as it was allowed to grow big.

The basil that I had  forgotten that I had planted is a very nice herb for us to use. It grows and is crowded among the tomato plants.

I am staying home one more day before I head to the old place. I am tired again to day and have done something to one of my toes making it difficult for a while.  I will work tomorrow regardless what my body is telling me.

I watched a review of the 9/11 attacks this morning.  That day was such a sad day and still today there are things that still have not been answered. I will never forget. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We didn't see any hummers today...so maybe they left for your place! Your tomatoes are beauties! :)

  2. Hi Larry, we really have been enjoying fresh tomatoes from the local farmer's market on Sunday mornings and we will certainly miss them too. The rain used to cause splitting when we grew our own, but we managed to salvage parts for delicious eating. Yes, the 9/11 remembrance was sad and sadder yet that not a lot of change has come about and that terrorist attacks have continued in so many parts of the world. Hope you take some time to rest up and don't overdo at the other house.
