Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday’s Moments.......

I guess the discussion going on among the hummingbirds was when to head farther south.  The apparent decided to leave Sunday morning as there isn’t a hummer in sight.  Maybe they found a better place to eat but I doubt it. I keep glancing out there and the feeders are just hanging out there.

I had bought a palm and placed it in a spot where we needed a tall plant.  It died within a month.  As I removed the dead plant in this pot I found that it was planted in the non soil material and the roots had filled the whole pot.  I don’t know if real dirt would have helped but I would think so. I found this plant and put it in with a lot of good black dirt.  I would like it to be a foot higher so I will just growing it to be so. Once it gets taller I will place it in the spot where we need it to fill visual space. It is a dieffenbachia and spell check did correct the spelling for me.

I have been struggling with my camera for a few weeks.  I realize now that I just need to go out when there is stronger light.  I use to photograph in later evening but now it is just too much low light. I took snaps of this and threw most of them away because I wasn’t getting a focus. The fourth time blooming of the rose this season. It has done well for being a rescued late fall sale item.

The day is a cool one and will be a great day for a fall day. I have garden work to do today and may be doing some resting also today.

I talked to a couple of boys as they were walking to school this morning and they agreed that Monday’s can not be a lot of fun.  We are getting to watch these guys grow up, as the older brother goes with his younger brother to the school bus. I think the younger one walks on to his elementary school. The older one must get on a bus down at the corner to go to another school. Our city has grown so much that we have too separate high schools and four middle schools.  There are a large number of elementary schools too but I don’t know the count.

I wish you all to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping in for a read. 


  1. I bet our hummers leave this week. That is a real pretty plant. Hope you do something fun today! :)

  2. Nice humming bird shots once again, Larry, and not sure when they migrate or if it's all done at once. I don't have much luck with plants, aside from the bamboo plant which is growing in water in a vase and even survived our not being here.

  3. What fantastic closeups of the Hummingbirds, they are fast little buggers :)
    Not long now, and they'll be gone.
