Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday’s News......

It is Sunday and we are back from church.  They had a tailgate party after church so we got some free hotdogs and cookies. We didn’t stop for a meal and came home to a cold house and Barney sleeping soundly.  He likes it cold.  We fed him a meager meal and he is back asleep.  I have Mannheim Steamroller playing Christmas music on the television and the fireplace is on for awhile to take down the chill.  I have a good cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie to eat while sitting in my wing backed chair.  Cold and miserable wet weather is just not my favorite part of fall.  Our whole week seems to look the same for seven to eight days. The fire, coffee, and music makes me feel less bummed out about the day.  I hope to sleep for awhile and maybe not be so grumpy when I awaken.  I guess having a weekend is a good thing so maybe I should lighten up with the attitude. I hope everyone out there is safe and warm today.  Thanks for checking in on my blog.

Proof that Barney is nearby.  He has been brushed to perfection for his visit to the vet. He likes the visit to the vet but he thinks she talks for too long of a period of time.   Eventually he acts like, get me out of here.  Shots and toe nails trimmed and that made him tired and sleepy for two days.

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