Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday, Monday..........

The goldfinch are irregular migrators.  All of them change feathers loosing the bright yellow colors.  A larger percentage does move south in the winter but some stay for as long as they can find food. The cardinal is one bird that did change its habits and kept staying over in the winter for longer periods of time. The finches haven’t been to the feeder as the weed seed out there is plentiful.  But these two showed up Sunday afternoon for a while.

I purchased two of these little mums recently.  I knew they wouldn’t be much for show this fall but they are ready for next years bloom.  I try to plant for the future rather than buy the large ones for big prices. I can tell that I am wearing down as I passed up buying some more tulip bulbs. I did feel like I wanted to do that.  I did just finish planting a couple dozen of globe alliums.

This is the window in the downstairs room next to where I have set up my studio.  I have only used the studio because the one grandson was here wanting to paint. I like having the planter furniture in the window and the plants in the window so my studio is in a dark place. The window being at ground level makes a great view of the back yard.  The birds have control of the sliding glass doors as they do like to look outside year round.

My solution to my drawing table area was to go ahead and move it in front of the plants. I didn’t think it would look right but it does seem to do well.  People working on any art or craft really do prefer natural light. You have to excuse the junk but it is used for storage right now and not creating artwork. Maybe this winter I can sit down on that new desk chair and do something. As I am downstairs the arrangement looks more natural than I expected. You can see my aquarium is next to my shoulder now.

I know it is time to start to cut down spent plants. My neighbors have their garden cleared but they did plant a few weeks earlier than me.  I have replaced a peony in the front yard that was not blooming.  I brought an old fashioned one that originated from my wife’s grandparents farm. I had four of them growing at the old place.  I will be glad to see it taking off and showing all the new kinds of peonies already there how to bloom. The former owners have newly bred kinds of peonies that really are not very impressive when they bloom.

It is a foggy day and plans to stay that way all day.  It is the part of fall that I don’t like.  These kind of days prevent the sun from ever showing through. I am doing chores around the house but would prefer to get outside and work.  I wish you all to have a good Monday. Thanks.......


  1. Your desk looks better than mine! Your plants have a great spot! Hug for Barney!

  2. Having natural light to work on your projects is a good idea, Larry, and now youjust have to find some time.
